Who are you devoted to?
Your devotions may seem ordinary today, devote your day to God and He will make something extraordinary through it! Let Him mold the "future you" for His purpose. Devotionals posted Daily by Young Templars just like you, maybe God will ask you to become a Devotion Warrior too!

Speak to God...
Next to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, there is nothing more powerful than Prayer! Jesus gives us the path to talk with Him directly and personally. What is Prayer? Learn here. We want to Pray for you! Submit Prayer requests and also learn how the power of Prayer has helped those around you.

Fellowship in Jesus...
Sign up! Bible study groups, small groups, church specific groups, worship groups and even service based groups! You can participate in chat only or in a video chat environment. Groups of all kinds, join one or many in an effort to build your Faith and understand God - in your world!

This is My Story...
The power of sharing God in Us! It strengthens us when we share it and helps provide healing for those experiencing it. Learn how God has worked in other Lives and share your story too. Find testimony from Youth, Pastors, Leaders, Educators and Celebrities as they share their story of God.

Love art? So does God!
God gives us Art and Artisic talent. What a Gift! It is how we use it that matters. We believe that ALL forms of art (music, sculpture, dance, painting, etc.) are meant to worship and glorify God! They are also meant to fill our spirit. Sometimes we just want to lift our hands reaching to him, other times it's okay to be crazy for him and just dance!

I Love Science!!!
Science can make it easy to not believe in God. Look at it without theoretical value, it proves His existence! God made us with the intelligence to see His amazing works and has left behind so much evidence for a reason. We all have doubts from time to time! Let God build your Faith!!!