Who We Are
We Are The Future!
Young Templar Ministries is a movement of "Teenagers" finding and walking in a relationship with Jesus. We are a rising Army, an Army of Love, for a better world. "On earth as it is in Heaven". This is not just a website, it is a community to provide a space for Senior Pastors to (as God teaches us) "Train up" and lead Youth Pastors. Provide the wisdom and tools for Youth Pastors to "Train up" and Lead Gods Youth.
We are Students today, Leaders tomorrow! This is a space for the volunteer leaders to learn how to walk with students in their world and educators that interact with students daily in school. It is Live interaction! Jesus teaches us so much of the importance of His/our youth. In fact, it is a common thread throughout the Bible.
Our Mission?
Change the world!...
While He teaches us to fish for men, He is teaching us that His way is love and love like His can change the world. It will make a place as He prayed, "on earth as it is in Heaven". We may be crazy teenagers but we are only growing up in the world adults create and learning as we go. We are more important than most think, just read Matthew 11:25. Please help us Love people to Jesus...
We Believe!
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God. Every word is bigger than we know and are taught today. While our relationship is the most important thing, we understand that His Word teaches us who He is and therefore strengthens that relationship.
In just One God, He is with us through the Holy Trinity. God-The Father, God -The Son, and God-The Holy Spirit. He is eternal, the beginning and the end. He lives in us today as The Holy Spirit, guiding and molding us in His will for His purpose.
Jesus, The Christ, the virgin born Son of God who lived in flesh, died for the sins of the world, was buried, rose again, and ascended to the Father. He teaches us today through the Sprit of Truth, The Holy Spirit, the way to live a fulfilled life on earth and through Him, eternal life in Heaven.
Jesus was the final and complete sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Salvation is Given, not earned. It is freely given through Grace because of faith in Jesus Christ. All who repent of their sins and ask Jesus (as Savior and Lord) into their Heart and Life are born again into eternal life as children of God.
We are Children of God. He made us so He could shower His Love upon us. It is that understanding that gives us the joy in His worship. All things are for the Glory of God. In His Love we find Grace, blessing, and fulfillment: we are complete. We are created for purpose and meant to be in communion with each other in His name. We are the Body of Christ Jesus, the Church.
The Body of Christ is worldwide yet functions best in localized communities of believers. We support local youth groups from the church, and worldwide. We hope your youth group signs up today! You can change your life through the lives of those around you and your community.